Dear Donald

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Dear Donald,

You don’t know me but I have some things to say to you. Before I get into the weeds, I thought it best to give you a bit of my history.

I grew up living in fear. I had a loving home and an amazing and supportive family. But there was something “not right” with me. And I knew it. You and your running mate would probably call it something like  being a pussy little faggot. Does that sound about right? I can see your dead-on impersonation in my head as I type this: the limp-wristed hand gesture accompanied by a not so subtle lisp and a swish of the hips. Probably not as spot-on as your impersonation of that disabled reporter, but close.

I lived in fear of myself. I was terrified that if I ever succumbed to the feelings inside of me that I would be in danger. I would be a disgrace. I would live my life alone. And, I knew, most likely, that it would be a short life. I was sure to get AIDS and if that didn’t kill me first than someone else surely would. I would be beaten, spit upon, shunned, laughed at, and murdered. And I would never know the kind of love that I so desperately desired.

I know you probably call that being hysterical and overly-dramatic (you know us faggots). I just call that growing up gay in 1980’s Idaho. That was the reality of the world I knew.

I was terrified of the person I knew myself to be. I ached to be “normal.” I cried myself to sleep. I worked incredibly hard to train myself to be what I thought a boy or a man should be. It was exhausting and confusing.

But, that was then. If someone had ever told that scared boy, and that even more scared young man, that in 2016 I would be married to a beautiful man and raising a family with him under the full protection and acceptance of my friends, family, and the law, I would have laughed in their face.

And, yet, here I am. I reaped the rewards of so many who came before me. Men and women who had the courage to stand up, be honest, and fight for acceptance and equity. Many of them lost so much in the battle, including their lives.

My beautiful life is the result of so much sacrifice from so many strangers.

And now, it’s my turn!

Why, you may be asking. What’s your problem?

Well, on November 8 of this year, our country decided to elect you to serve as the leader of our nation. You, Donald: a racist, misogynistic, homophobic bully. I hope it’s OK to call you those things. I felt it was appropriate as you never really shied away from telling and showing us that that was exactly who you are. I can do an impersonation for you later if that will help.

And, I have to admit that, ever since your election day, I have felt that fear again. Don’t get me wrong…it never fully left. It rears its ugly head from time to time but, now it feels more palpable and profound than it has in years.

And that makes me really angry, Donald!

And this fear I feel is nothing in comparison to so many of my brothers and sisters throughout this country. I am a cisgendered white man, which means I have butt-loads of privilege. Just like you, Donald. We have something in common after all.

But, there are others that do not share in this privilege. My fear pales in comparison to that of people of color, women, Muslims, immigrants, refugees, and members of the transgender community. Even before you came along, fear, harassment, abuse, and assault were a part of their daily lives. And, now, the leader of their nation says that’s OK and even encourages this fear and assault.

And, Donald, that pisses me off! So, this pussy little faggot has some things to say to you!

I really want to help you understand what’s happening right now because you seem to be a bit confused and are maybe getting your little feelings hurt by all of this uproar and protesting since your big day.

Well, as loathe as I am to say it, you are my President Elect. I didn’t vote for you but I am an American and, according to the laws of this nation, you are my President Elect. But, also according to the laws of this nation, I and millions of others have every right to stand up and say that we despise you. You represent the worst of humanity. You lack the experience, dignity, and respect to hold the office of President of the United States.

You embody the ugliness and greed that has poisoned this country since its inception.

I look at you and I see a slave owner; I look at you and I see the KKK; I look at you and I see Japanese internment camps; I look at you and I see the faces of women who’ve been raped and assaulted; I look at you and I see the two men who beat Matthew Shepard to death; I look at you and I see the thousands of unwanted and forgotten children that fall through the cracks of our foster care system; I look at you and I see the young Saudi Arabian student murdered in Wisconsin last month; I look at you and I see the scared little boy that I used to be.

But, I have something to say to you, Donald…as well as to all the racist, sexist, homophobes that now feel empowered and emboldened by you and your election: I refuse to be afraid of you!

I will speak out against you; I will protest;  I will do everything I can to get you and your little minions out of office. And, I am far from alone.

Those of us who have been oppressed, who have suffered at the hands of bigotry, who have been threatened, beaten, and demeaned because of the color of our skin, because of our gender, because of our sexuality, because of our religious beliefs, we will not be silent and we will not be afraid.

You have poked a giant motherfuckin’ bear! And we will rise up and defeat you and the hatred you have unleashed.

We are warriors and we are the future of this country and we refuse to live in fear!


Sam Read



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